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Jack Altschuler

Book Jack to Keynote Your Next Event

When you want your attendees walking out of their session saying, “Wow!” and implementing changes for the better right away, you want Jack Altschuler as your keynote speaker.  It’s all about producing the results you want.  Jack puts it this way:

Getting more of what you want and less of what you don’t want

And if you’re a leader, the only way for that to happen is for those who look to you for leadership to give their very best – their A-Game.  That’s called “Employee Engagement” and that is what all of the Fully Alive Leadership© workshops are about.

As the Chief Alive Officer of Fully Alive, Jack presents motivating, engaging and informative keynote presentations and workshops designed to inspire leaders to be the best they can be.  That drives employee engagement, employee retention and delivers the greatest success.  And that’s what you want.

What others are saying about Jack

“Jack provides a solid level of energy to keep his audience focused and learning.” Robert Graybill, President FMS Solutions Baltimore, MD

-Robert Graybill, President, FMS Solutions
“Awesome leadership presentation.  Great takeaways that I will begin to use today. I believe this will significantly improve our results. “My most powerful take-away:  Listening – being fully engaged – demonstrates respect and caring.  This will get my people to be more productive.” Dan Goldstein, President Page1Solutions Golden, CO

-Dan Goldstein, President, Page1Solutions
“Great baseline analysis to establish and gain an instinctual foundation on human dynamics. “Your talk was ‘spot on’ and has provided applied benefit already in our shop.  Our team at Capital Resin will grow from it. “. . . this is the step forward we all target as a functioning

-Dan Yinger, President, Capital Resin Corporation

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